KJWA National Directors

KJWA National Directors

Welcome to our Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance KJWA National Directors List! Each country represent by a director is named here. Any country that does not have a director then you can feel free to contact me for information. If you are interested in becoming a director for your country or region please contact me. My email address is [email protected].

The requirement for becoming a direct or is not complicated. First you must either be a certified instructor in the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance or be in the process of becoming one. There will be more information at the bottom of the page for becoming an instructor.

Kyusho Jitsu World International

Founder and CEO – Grand Master Art Mason

International President – Master Federico Asensio [Spain]

 Below is a listing of the currently active KJWA National Directors.

KJWA National Directors


National Director - GM Art Mason

United States of America

National Director – Dale Gillilan – Email


National Director – Master Federico Asensio – Email

Regional Directors
  • Castilla la Mancha - Master Alfonso Gil Prados – Email
  • Asturuas – Sensei Jesús Alvarez Castillo
  • Madrid – Master Gregorio Torralbo - eMail

United Kingdom

National Director UK – Billy Clark – Email


National Director – Master Muhammad Ali – Email


National Director – Dr Mohamed Rashidinz – Email


National Director – Kardos Sandor – Email


National Director – Anthony Pousset - Email


National Director - Luis Alfonso Villasana Sulbarán


National Director - Vacant


National Director - Master Arturo Frasca Email

KJWA National Directors - Other information

Please stay tuned here for more information coming as to the requirements and duties expected of someone who is interested in representing the KJWA as KJWA National Directors. This will include all the information you need to make an informed decision. This will include time commitments, any rank requires and everything else you will need to succeed at being a KJWA National Director.

These are volunteer positions and do not include any kind of financial compensation from the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance. This is a position that is prefect for any martial artist who loves to study and learn. And also to work with people in a leadership and teaching environment. There is opportunity to travel and also to make money hosting seminars and teaching the science of pressure point self defense. While this position is not for everyone if it does interest you then I suggest your do apply. 

There is no cost associated with application. And making an application to become a director with the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance does not guarantee acceptance. 

More information will be coming, along with applications very soon.

Please share this page and other with friends on Social Media you thing may be interested. Add thank you for view our KJWA National Directors. 

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance 

Grand Master Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance